Monday, 26 September 2011

Song of the Week | MercyMe 'The Generous Mr Lovewell'

As promised, here's the song by MercyMe that I wanted you to hear, to go out into the world & change it any way you possibly can.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

You Are Here...

After just getting back from our Youth weekend away at an awesome venue up in the dales, we're hyped, exhausted but hyped at the presence of God that we felt over the weekend. From canoeing on the lake (soaking each other with sponges!) and a roaring campfire complete with a sing-song to sharing meals together, nighttime walks & competing in archery teams trying to shoot balloons, it was an amazing weekend!

The leaders based the weekend around what you take on a journey, like the things we were doing at the weekend - walking, climbing, other activities. Each leader undertook a session, about 5 minutes which resulted in a card (which all hung on a carabiner) being given out with whatever that leader thought summed up that talk. For instance, the on one side of the card there was a map and the reading from Proverbs 3 v 6: 

'In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.'

On the reverse it asked some questions - Where am I? Where am I going? What's the purpose of my journey? Other cards included a torch, an alarm clock & a helmet before the last card given out during the last few minutes of weekend fellowship was a pair of walking boots & a reading from Matthew 28 v 19:

'Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Lord.'

The last two questions were What will you do with God's word? & How can you change the world?

It got me thinking, as I didn't actually do a five minute talk or anything (purely there on a technical basis) I wondered what I would pick, what I would talk about, what would be on my card? The symbol on the front of my card would be of clothes.

On a journey, as we found out when we all got drenched in the lake, you need a change of clothes. In relation to our journey with God, we need change. Not only an initial change to let God into your life, but to help change other people's lives, to share our knowledge of Jesus & impact the biggest of all changes on this world.

I would also have the song title by a band called MercyMe (I will post this as our song of the week tomorrow) which is about changing, doing little things just to make others feel better about themselves, to change the world one good act at a time. On the reverse of my card I would have put this quote from the film (I'm a big movie geek) Evan Almighty:

God: How do we change the world?
Evan Baxter: One single act of random kindness at a time.
God: [spoken while writing A-R-K on ground with a stick] One Act, of, Random, Kindness. 

So there we are, there's my card. Look forward & make sure you listen to the song of the week tomorrow & as it says in our pack of cards, a couple of readings for reference:

'Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.'James 4 v 14 

'Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.'1 Timothy 4 v 12

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Matthew 9 14-17

A little later John's followers approached, asking, "Why is it that we and the Pharisees rigorously discipline body and spirit by fasting, but your followers don't?"

Jesus told them, "When you're celebrating a wedding, you don't skimp on the cake and wine. You feast. Later you may need to pull in your belt, but not now. No one throws cold water on a friendly bonfire. This is Kingdom Come!"

He went on, "No one cuts up a fine silk scarf to patch old work clothes; you want fabrics that match. And you don't put your wine in cracked bottles." Matthew 9.14-17

Monday, 19 September 2011

Song of the Week | Steven Curtis Chapman 'Do Everything'

Steven Curtis Chapman returns with new album Re:Creation. This song is currently dominating in the Christian Billboard charts and you will love it!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

LifeGiver Band Interview

Hello LifeGiver Band. How are you doing? Where are you currently?

We are VERY BLESSED, currently In Winston Salem, North Carolina where we reside.

How's 2011 going thus far?

Wonderful we have grown a lot and God has used us to impact many lives !!!

If people don't know LifeGiver Band, how would you describe yourself?

Josh- Epic! We're very unique because we don't stick to one genre of music. From funk to hard rock, LifeGiver is very diverse.

When did you give your life to God and what made your life turn in God's

Stuart - I accepted Christ when I was 4 years old. I just knew that I loved God, and I wanted to live with Him forever in heaven!

Ben- 2 yrs ago, I was Rock bottom after years of drugs and alcohol, misdiagnosed bi-polar and on all the medication for it. That stuff made me crazy, I wasn't even myself. Then after contemplating suicide, my wife handed me a book, it was about Gods promises and I went to church that Sun and gave my life to God …been playing for his glory ever since.

Josh- I've been raised in a Christian home my entire life. God has just always been a part of my life. There have been times where I've lived knowing God was there, but not really pursuing Him and what He has for me. But now I believe I'm closer to God than I've ever been before.

Will-I've always known I was Gods child for as long as I can remember. However, I had a very real encounter with our God on a Sunday night before my first day of high school. After that my relationship and walk with him has never been the same and without limits.. Our God has no boundaries and his love is eternal!!

You state you are a ministry then a band, care to elaborate?

Ben- We don't go in with the forefront thought of playing “our” show, actually there is no “show” involved, we are all real when we praise, yeah we jump around and play solo's but look at what God has done ya know ?? We abide by the spirit while leading praise and worship. If we are lead to lay hands and pray we do, if we are led to stop the music for silent worship, well then so be it. We want to minister to the lost and not just sell records ….

If you had to pick your favorite track of your own, which would you pick?

Stuart- I would have to say... “My song”.

Ben- Tough call, it will always vary. Whichever one is tearing down walls and breaking folks out of bondage that night is my favorite!!

Will- “the Battle” we are still ironing that one out but I it is my favorite so far.

Josh-“Giving it Back”, Ben's solo in that song gives me goose bumps every time.

What message do you want to give through your music?

GOD LOVES YOU and that Jesus is epic and everyone should live to glorify Him!!!!!

Back to your roots, how did you first come to music?

Ben-I remember as a kid putting on “concerts” along with my brother Will and friends on the back porch for all the adults while they had cookouts during the summer hahaha … I guess some of my earliest memories are music.. But I didn't play an instrument until 6th grade. I took violin then Stuart- My father is a worship leader, so I grew up watching him, and listening to music my whole life!

Josh-I got a drum set when I was 11 years old for Christmas. Haven't stopped playing since.

Will-My Mom bought me a Saturday night live guitar (whatever that is) it looked like a black fender Stratocaster with a white pick guard. I never really played it but I banged around on it for a while.. I don’t even think I ever had it in tune, or cared for that matter.. Then through middle school I started to play a little more because I had an interest in music. I played a few different instruments throughout middle school.. by the time I was in high school I was in the metal scene and played music all the time with friends from school. I was in a few bands that played in basements and small venues around Winston-Salem. I've always known that God was going to use me and my guitar for his glory. I had many confirmations about that as well as the desire to do so before in the past. Here I am with my Family LifeGiver. Again, God is good!!

Where do you find influences?

We just keep our eyes open and watch the world and find inspiration in God’s word.

How do you write music, how does the process work?

Ben – lately It all starts at my desk, in worship or meditation. I will be influenced by recent sounds from artist and just let go and play whatever comes out. I let the Holy Spirit just flow through me in submission. I can sense the new songs/riffs days prior to me sitting down to play it out. Of course I record it, then go back and polish and further arrange it. Upload it to our server and sent out a text that some new stuff is up. Usually April will have been brewing up some lyrics ad 9 times out of 10 they will fit brilliantly. Sometimes she will email me a riff to build on like with our song “changed “ that intro riff is all her, she can speak guitar !! Josh has also been known to do that like in Got to Praise that’s his intro riff I'm playing.

Who would you love to perform with, past or present?

Ben- David Gilmore, Umphreys Mcgee, Duane Allman

Stuart- I would love to play music with Eric Clapton. He has so much passion for music, you can "feel" it in his music!

Josh-   Good question! I'm not sure. There are a lot of bands out there.

Will- Sanctus Real, Third Day, Casting Crowns, David Crowder, As I Lay Dying

What artists have you most loved sharing a stage with?

Stuart- A City Under Seige, and Bloodline Severd.

Ben-Im going to have to give that to Young Timothy, A City Under Siege and Bring the Arsenal,
Bloodline Severed. All of them are ALL about God man!!!

Will- A city under siege

Josh-  I haven't played live with LifeGiver long enough to decide.

What are you currently listening to on your mp3 player?

Josh- Saturate by LifeGiver.

Ben- Circa Survive and Umphreys Mcgee, Pink Floyd

Stuart- I'm listening to a bunch of different stuff, ranging from Lifegiver all the way to AC/DC

April- Joss Stone

Will- epic metal in general

Who do you think is going to sum up the sound of 2011?

Stuart- I hate to say it, but probably Lady GAGA

Ben- for Christian music honestly here in the US the same ol same ol CCM sound…. But I do see an uprising of kids who are hungry for a “new” sound…but mainstream? Well I don’t listen to mainstream music much….. for me though bands like The Foster People, Black Keys, London Souls and Bright Light Social Hour are way rad and killing it.

Josh- Jesus.

God's Earth is a huge place, where have you most enjoyed visiting, what cultures have you embraced?

Josh-I love Jamaica. I recently got back from a missions trip there.

Stuart-I was in the U.S. Air Force, and was stationed in Germany. I went all over, but my favorite city was London, England! It was awesome!

Best live performance you've played?

Ben-Tough to gauge, id say the time 25 or so people got filled with the Holy Ghost and got their prayer language!! There were all types of people being set free that night and we played for over two hours, worshiped for about an hour and a half and never sang the first word. Gods presence was so thick that we didn't have to!!

What do you miss the most when you're on the road touring?


Any plans to play the UK?

I think that would be pretty sweet, yeah.

How has the Christian music scene changed since you've been part of it?

Josh-I think we are bringing a totally different style of music to Christian music.

Ben- Mainstream, None at all, and that's my frustration….. I never listened to it before cause I found it to pop and U2 sounding, I've looked back and that's been going on here for almost 15yrs here in the U.S !!! It's time for a change man…….

Stuart- It has done a total 180 since I started listening, but I love where it's going!!!

How does it feel to be in a position to inspire so many people, including young people to turn their lives to Christ?

Josh-It feels epic! When playing either at church or with LifeGiver, I love looking out into the crowd and seeing people in the presence of God. It's epic awesome.

Ben-Privileged and Humbling

Stuart-It is a honor, and a priviledge to serve the Lord!

Will-I dont think there is a better feeling, doing what the father has called you to do gives you peace like no other!

If LifeGiver Band was a Jelly Bean, what colour and flavour would you be and why?

A handful of them, just all mixed together for that sweet, sweet concoction of sugary goodness.

Some quick fire questions:

Tea or coffee?

Coffee for sure.

Summer or winter?


Superman or Batman?

Everyone except Stuart says Batman, we’ve tried to show him the error of his but he’s stubborn :/

Mac or PC?


Bread or Wine?

Is this a trick question?

Favorite passage from the Bible?

Anything between Genesis and Revelation…..seriously.

What's coming up in 2011 and next on the agenda for LifeGiver Band?

Big things for us, Were have been asked to play at some local festivals, A showcase for regional acts at the Charlotte Music awards, and get into the studio FINALLY.

And finally, how would you describe the love of God for all those people who are unsure of their direction and of course those already on their journey with Christ?

I [Josh] cannot describe how awesome the love of God is. And when I cannot describe something so awesome I use the word epic. God's love is epic, or as Will might say, “legendary epic.”

Ben- Like a hurricane that's never ending.

Stuart-His love never endes, never changes, and most of all, His love is always there! No matter what you've done, doing, or will do, HE STILL LOVES YOU!!!!!!

Thanks LifeGiver Band, keep doing what you're doing! Blessings.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Song of the Week | The Afters 'Lift Me Up'

How true how our Lord lifts us up. In times of trouble, in times of weakness and when we do wrong, we know our God is there to lift us up. Enjoy this official music video from The Afters.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

10 years on

Where were you? Everyone who is old enough to remember the visions of those planes smashing into those buildings knows exactly where they were when it happened. It's scary that I was a 15 year old, sorting out the papers for my paper round, watching the events unfold, and I now have 2 nieces that weren't even born, I have the love of my life who I hadn't even met and she's now my wife. Time moves fast, but some things stay with you. That feeling on the day that perhaps changed the world that we know it, that pushed the idea of terrorism into the mainstream.

Of course I am talking about 9/11. Since then yes there has been wars going on, other terror attacks, even films made, but that was perhaps the catalyst of the world we now know. I wanted to, on this landmark anniversary of the attacks, look at what the Bible says about terrorism. Here are some verses:

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.Proverbs 6:16-19

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.Romans 12:19-21