Saturday 22 October 2011


As I did a little research into the band that brought me to Christ, Casting Crowns, I discovered that the first song taken from their new album, entitled 'Courageous' is actually inspired by a movie of the same name.

I hit YouTube & found the trailer and it really spoke to me, to the man I am, the husband I've become & the future father I will hopefully some day be.

It is a story about American police men, they work together as law enforcers but their lives are not complete. A tragedy awakens them to want more from their lives, to step up, to be the men they should be, to raise their children in a God-honouring way.

One of the lines from the trailer is 'I didn't start well, I want to end well' - my children aren't on the scene yet, but when they appear, when we decide the time is right, I want to be there from the start, being the father they deserve. One of the characters is made redundant, I wonder how many people out there in this 'economic climate' can relate to that, but he says that he feels 'like a rich man' because he knows God.

There is also a massive question in the trailer 'I want to know what God expects of me?'. Try to stop that from getting you thinking - I think that's a whole other blog post though.

Men of the world, let me ask you - What will it take for you to be awakened? To answer your calling? To be the head of the family that your family deserves?

Where are you men of courage? I believe that not every father, but every man should step up & answer the call. Join me, do what I've done, and say I will! Yes it will take courage, but we are courageous!

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