Sunday, 23 December 2012


I'm cooking Christmas dinner this year!

Don't worry, it's only for 4 of us & I'm actually not too bad in the kitchen. I went to the shops to get all the bits this weekend which included all the vegetables, the pudding & of course the turkey. As there are only four of us, I opted for a turkey crown. We've also got the tableware out the loft when we put the tree up, including napkins & crackers. The crackers are awesome ones I got in the sale about 3 years ago which have gardening or kitchen items in them, and paper crowns of course!

That's two mentions of crowns. There are so many crowns mentioned in the bible, from the crown of life in James & Revelation which we are told to bear, to the one that our Savior wears, the holy crown of thorns. These Christmas paper crowns (which we must wear all day!) and the turkey crown which we are fortunate to be able to celebrate with are fantastic, making our days together as families and friends even more spectacular. But they are nothing in comparison to the real crown, the real spectacular, the meaning of Christmas, Christ! He really is the King of all Kings, the Lord of all the Lords! He's royalty! 

As an extra crown, one of my favourite bands and the one that brought me to Christ. Here is Silent Night from Casting Crowns. 

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