Monday, 28 February 2011

Song of the Week | Andrew Peterson - 'Dancing In The Mine Fields'

Dancing In The Mine Fields is taken from Andrew Peterson's 12th album. The track has been floating around in the Christian billboard charts for five months. It's all about love, the highs and lows of it, but ultimately, as hard as it gets, love with get us all through anything. Enjoy.

Friday, 25 February 2011

The Saviour on The Saviour

Not posted anything for a couple of days but wanted you to listen to this before the weekend. It was from a while back now, 'Saviour of Radio One' Chris Moyles spent a good 6 minutes on international BBC radio talking about church. It's awesome, and the actual service they discuss is shown in the background with the radio audio overlayed. Yes his team might need pointing in the right direction about a few things and if they had a little more knowledge then brilliant, but I like the fact it wasn't someone trying to convert, trying to preach or cast a sermon. It's just a normal radio DJ from Yorkshire amazed by something he saw. Maybe we should all be so amazed! Take a listen.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Bandstand - Kari Jobe

Introducing Kari Jobe. She knew at the age of 10 that she would be a worship leader. She was raised in a Christian home with a father who was a travelling minister and a mother who enjoyed playing worship music throughout the house. She recalls the constant calling of worship: “I remember hearing a worship song that applied perfectly to a family that I knew and I knew that I wanted to write songs like that, for hurting people, songs that someone could speak to the Lord when they can’t find the words.”
Throughout school and college she followed the path that God was building in front of her as she lead worship in various different places. She was hired as a worship pastor at her home church and eventually released her first album, her self titled debut in 2009. 
Speaking of her song 'You Are for Me' "There are times you are so broken that all you can do is sing over yourself with words like, ‘God is for me.’ But I believe it is one song that people can use to remember that God is for us, so who can be against us. 
Kari Jobe's worship teaching always brings people back to Jesus. "Music becomes a way to minister to people in times of trouble, to lead them to the feet of Jesus who can bring peace, life, hope and healing.” 
Check out her Youtube channel here and embrace her wonderful music.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Song of the Week | Tenth Avenue North 'You Are More'

Tenth Avenue North have firmly cemented this song in the Christian Billboard Charts. It's one of those tracks that speaks directly to your heart. We all feel down, not worthy from time to time and forget what has been done for us, exactly what has been sacrificed for us to be here. Tenth Avenue North not only explore that through their vocals but visually you are gripped and can relate to everything on screen. Remember, You Are More than what people say about you, what people think about you and often what you think of yourself. Your are one of God's children and that's something to smile about.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Rapid Detection

I was watching Let's Dance for Comic Relief - celebrities dancing classic routines for charity, pure Saturday night TV! However there was one bit that massively spoke to me, the presenter had gone out to Africa as they do to promote the work that Comic Relief does.

Did you know 2000 children in Africa a day, yes A DAY, die from malaria. When children are sleeping rough on streets, with no comfortable duvet, no bed, not even a roof over their head, they have no protection from mosquitoes. They literally are sitting targets and will soon become part of that 2000 a day number. Not fair right? However there is now something that can catch the disease quickly and hence allow the children to be treated before the malaria takes hold.

Just £5 buys 6 rapid detection kits, so basically £5 can save 6 lives! That's the price of 2 pints of beer, a sweet and sour chicken from the Chinese takeaway, two or three coffees from Starbucks. Maybe this week, as a bunch of celebrities give up their time to walk a 100k desert trek to raise money, think about what you actually need to buy, what you spend your money on.

Can you do without that skinnymochafrapparaspberrychino with extra whipped cream on top? Why not make sandwiches for work instead of buying lunch every day? Give that saved money to Comic Relief and help to save lives of children! Spread the word!

Read more about Comic Relief, focusing on malaria and donate here.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Your Cross, My Cross, One Cross

We all know that the symbol of Christianity is the cross. The cross where Jesus took away our sins. There are millions of people in this world who will never meet, from different walks of life, who all have one thing in common, the power of the cross. Whether it's a vicar, a gang member, a youth worker, a child, a police officer, a lawyer, an administrator, a teacher, a student, a doctor, a homeless person, a farmer, a pop star, a footballer kissing his cross as he walks out onto the pitch - whoever you are, wherever you are from, if you have the cross in your life, you have Jesus in your life, and you have millions of other Christians along for the journey with you.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Song of the Week | Jeanne Marie 'Faith'

Introducing Jeanne Marie. You may well have seen the interview with her posted last week. A fantastic Christian artist who wants to give hope, encouragement, love and non-judgement through her music. 

"I want people to come away from listening to the album with a smile on their face, knowing that there first IS a God, and second that God LOVES them no matter what they have been through, done, or experienced, He has a plan for each and every life."

Take a listen to Faith and realise that God loves each and every one of us. Have a blessed week!

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Putting life in perspective

Sometimes we all turn the littlest of things into massive explosions when they don't need to be. I do it, you do, your next door neighbour does and that chap outside starting his car does it too. You become the centre of the universe and the world needs to revolve around you and your situation, usually a negative situation where you feel you've been hard done by. You might even feel hard done by by God?

Take a read of this - pray for all those involved in this tragic story, those who still have faith in God regardless. Thanks

What would you give up?

We're exploring Matthew in our bible study group at the moment. From talking through 4 18-22 and about the first disciples and back then how being a disciple was giving up everything to follow - 'they immediately followed him leaving the boat and their father behind.'

We then got on to how Abraham's faith was tested in Genesis 22 when God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham was ready to go through with the sacrifice but was stopped - 'don't lay a hand on the boy' the Angel said. 'Do not hurt him for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld from me even your son, your only son.'

What would you be prepared to give up, to sacrifice? Our discussions included that new TV, blu-ray player, cars, houses and more. But would we give up our entire lives to follow Christ? Probably not, it would take a lot to turn your back on everything, but maybe that is because most of us have so much these days.

Remember God sacrificed his only son for all of us, each and every one of us!

Friday, 11 February 2011

Jeanne Marie Interview

Hello Jeanne Marie. How are you doing? Wonderfully! Where are you currently? 

I am in NC at home.

How’s 2011 going thus far? 

2011 has started out great! I am so blessed.
If people don’t know Jeanne Marie, how would you describe yourself? 

Hmm..Jeanne Marie is FIRST a woman of God, who loves being a wife to her fabulous husband, I am goofy and at times kinda weird! I love to have fun, love to laugh, be in my pj's, play board games, and just hang!  

When did you give your life to God and what made your life turn in God’s direction? 

I was 13 years old and at a christian sports camp (FCA). I felt as though the speaker was talking directly to me telling me that I thought I knew Jesus, but in all reality was not in an intimate relationship with Him. That night I walked down the isle and my life changed forever. My walk with God has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs, but He is so so faithful to pull me back to him time after time.  

You've released your debut album entitled Destiny. How has that been received? Would you say it has been successful and how would you define success? 

Destiny has been very successful in my eyes, I define success as if only one person can say that something that I had in a song helped them through something or brought them to God or closer to God, I am a huge success, ALL FOR HIS GLORY!  

What’s your favorite track from the 12 song album? 

My favorite track is "Red", I feel it is such a powerful song and something I am so passionate about.  

Which do you most enjoy playing live? 

I would have to say, "Storybook Lies" It is fast, and I find it fun to have to sing a lot of words fast :) Not to mention the words are very powerful!  

Why did you decide on Destiny for the album title? 

I decided on Destiny because I want people to hear this album and know that they have a destiny, and God will lay it out for them.  

What would you say your destiny is? 

My destiny is to bring the word of God to youth and young people through music. 

What do you feel God has planned for you?

I know God has big things planned for me, I believe in His divine will, and I believe that If I continue to seek Him everyday He will continue to reach people through me and my music, and I hope to be doing this for a long time!  

What message do you want to give through your music? 

I want to give a message of hope, encouragement, love, and non-judgement. I want people to come away from listening to the album with a smile on their face, knowing that there first IS a God, and second that God LOVES them no matter what they have been through, done, or experienced, He has a plan for each and every life.  

Back to your roots, how did you first come to music? 

Music has always been a huge part of my life and my family. My Dad and Mom introduced me to the classics at a very early age: Nat King Cole, The Temptations, Etta James, Luther Vandross, Earth, Wind, and Fire, Carole King, Otis Redding… and so many more. At an older age, and as my faith grew, I was influenced by the greats in Christian music as well!  

Where do you find influences? 

I still find influence in the great 50's and 60's jazz and blues musicians, but also in people like Natalie Grant, Francesca Battastelli, Britt Nicole, JJ Heller, Chris August, Michael W. Smith, Toby Mac… and so many more.  

How do you write music, how does the process work? 

I collaborate with other song writers for my album. I sit with them and basically pour out my heart, who I am, where I have been, what I have seen, and I give them ideas of what I want the song to sound like, then they with their great expertise in writing ( that I unfortunately do not have) come up with awesome songs!  

Who would you love to perform with, past or present? 

I'll answer both :) Past: Nat King Cole. Present: JJ Heller 

What artists have you most loved sharing a stage with? 

Pointmen, they are a awesome Christian rap group, and also great friends!   

What are you currently listening to on your mp3 player? 

Otis Redding is in my CD player in the car.  

Who do you think is going to sum up the sound of 2011? 

I think and hope a sound that pushes the envelope and exposes more and more people to the Gospel.  

God's Earth is a huge place, where have you most enjoyed visiting, what cultures have you embraced? 

Culture is something that I love! I embrace many different cultures but I guess the one that I am most familiar with is the Hispanic Culture, I served on missions trips in Guatemala and when I worked in Inner-city Philly it was predominately Puerto Rican.  

Best live performance you’ve played? 

Faith Walk Church, the people were awesome and it was right around the corner from our house so we met some friends!  

What do you miss the most when you’re on the road touring? 

Food! I love food, and come from a very very big Italian family, so I miss home cooked meals, especially my Dad's homemade spaghetti sauce. 

How has the Christian music scene changed since you've been part of it? 

I think that the sound has changed and still is changing. I think that more and more artists are trying to reach the world with their sound, so they can lead souls to Christ. I see more beat and style in the music now.  

How does it feel to be in a position to inspire so many people, including young people to turn their lives to Christ?

It is an unbelievable feeling, that I honestly could not live without. Being able to reach people for Jesus and be a messenger of Christ to change a life, is without a doubt in my mind the reason I am on this earth. It is the reason my heart beats.

If Jeanne Marie was a Jelly Bean, what color and flavor would you be and why? 

I was often called (and still am) Jeanne Jeanne the Jelly Bean, so this is a very fitting question. Color would be blue, its my favorite:) Flavor would be ….this sounds nasty, but pickle…I could eat jars of pickles… mmm mmm.  

Some quick fire questions: 

Tea or coffee? 


Summer or winter? 


Superman or Batman? 


Mac or PC? 


Bread or Wine? 


Favorite passage from the Bible? 

Duet. 31:8 

Your blog posts are inspiring. Do you enjoy that alternative outlet of creativity, whilst still using words to help bring people God's word? 

Yes. I have had so may people tell me that the blog has touched their heart for Jesus.  I believe that blogging is powerful and it gives them some encouragement that they can keep coming back to.  So, yes, I think that the blog is a great way to spread the word of God. 

What’s coming up in 2011 and next on the agenda for Jeanne Marie? 

Lots of shows, and the birth of our first BABY! We are so blessed and excited! 2011 will be a great year!

And finally, how would you describe the love of God for all those people who are unsure of their direction and of course those already on their journey with Christ? 

The love of God is like no other love that you will ever experience, it is the kind of love that truly has no condition. Love that will accept you through the many mistakes you have and will make. Love that has no boundaries and no judgment. Love that doesn't see color, weight, grades, cars, clothes, or anything else that people judge you for. Try it, believe me, you will NOT regret it!  

Thanks Jeanne, have a blessed day!

Jeanne Marie Website | Follow Jeanne on Twitter 

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Our Daily God

We know our God is with us every day. From our waking moment to that split second where you drift off to sleep he is with us, and he watches over us at night too. Some people say they work 24/7, they don't...our Lord does!

So why is it that people who perhaps don't believe in our God feel the need to mention him perhaps more than those who do believe? From the 'Jesus Christ!' if something goes wrong, to 'For God's Sake' and 'Oh God', it's used in a way that is blaming our Lord for something. But how can you blame something that apparently does not exist?

There are so many mentions of God on a daily basis, more so from non Christians than from Christians. I wonder what would happen if these people suddenly realised that they are in fact having a relationship with the Lord, it's very one sided as the Lord is watching over them and they are blaming him for everything, but it's a relationship they should embrace! Imagine thanking him for taking away our sins, embracing his love, bringing those in need to him and spending time learning, educating ourselves about him. How strong would individual faith, communal church faith and global faith be if every mention of Christ was a good one?

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

On Way Home

On the way home tonight, on my usual journey on the train, almost back at my station stop, where it goes over the massive viaduct which looks down on everything below, I looked over towards the horizon and silhouetted on a bright orange sky was a cross.

Ok, it wasn't an actual cross, nothing compared to the massive object Jesus was crucified on, but it was a vertical pole from some farm in the country or something combined with perhaps the flattest cloud ever. It was nothing like the picture here but I wanted to share!

Monday, 7 February 2011

Song of the Week | Phatfish 'In Jesus'

Phatfish have been on the music scene for a long time. Recently they embarked out on The Light Tour, where they played (and continue to play) churches and other venues to bring the good news through their music. Having been priviledged enough to catch them on one of their pitstops on that tour and also have a quick Q&A with them, I thought that this track should be this week's song of the week! One of the lines that stands out to me is 'in him we have forgiveness, forgiveness' - how true! 

'Explaining who God is and what He’s like, and provoking people to a response' - this is what Phatfish gave as they're answer to me asking what message they want to give through their music. I hope you enjoy this song and it indeed provokes a response to our Lord.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Bible, Bible, Bible

America, possibly the greatest and grandest country in the world. Between the McDonalds' fries, superbowl and visit California adverts, ever wondered how many American households have a Bible? Well the answer is about 92%, and that's of the entire country, atheists as well as practicing Christians. The number of Bibles per household is 3 on average, however even with 3 Bibles per house the usage, reading of Bibles is a far lower percentage.

Many of us our given a Bible at our christening, baptism or thanksgiving service when we are little. You see 'baby's first Bibles' on bookshelves of shops and this soon progresses through from the 'token gifts' to picture book Bibles, adding more content and less image until we soon arrive at the book containing the text, word by word.

Evidentially there is a huge difference between the amount of Bibles and the number of people picking one up and reading it, learning from it, teaching with it. I saw an article in the Christian Church magazine Inspire (follow them on twitter here) about a man who was close to ending his own life, a life which was fueled with drugs but as he reached to get the pistol from the back of his truck, the object he was going to use to end his life, he instead grabbed a Bible, the very object that would save his life. He is a talented artist and since giving his life to Christ has turned his skill into creating a graphic novel version of the Bible. You can read his story here and take a look at the graphic novel he has created here.

Funnily enough this is how I started getting closer to the word of God. After giving my life to him I discovered that my love of comic books, graphic novels and manga had already spread into telling the good news. The idea that the Bible does not have to be just words, and for those of us who see things in visual image, the Manga Bible that I found was perfect for bringing the words to life in a cutting edge way. Definitely aimed at young people (and those of us who love illustration) this is a brilliant way of grabbing the attention of those who view reading the Bible as boring or dull. We'll be bringing other types of Bibles to you over the coming weeks, and as we've mentioned McDonalds already in this post, let's take and alter one of their taglines so it works for us: there's a Bible for every one!

Friday, 4 February 2011

More Big Church Day Out 2011 News

After a brief update back in November, there have been more artists added to the bill and the 2011 Big Church Day Out website is overflowing with new content and information for this year!

The Big Church Day Out is all about coming together to celebrate our faith regardless of what church we go to our our background. It's about people and faith, music and worship, activities, families, and just being together. There’s something for everybody, from a nice cup of tea with a Chamber Orchestra, to high energy worship, from drama to touch rugby, from bouncy castles to quiet prayer…it’s all about being ‘church’ together.

The event provides a chance for Christians to see that they are part of a bigger family, to meet that family and to be inspired by it. Likewise, those who serve sacrificially and endlessly in their local church communities throughout the rest of the year, here can find space to relax and celebrate life.

Amazing stuff! And the music artists and bands appearing this year include: TobyMac, Newsboys, Philippa Hanna, Lou Fellingham, Chip Kendall, BeBe Vox, Stuart Townend, Matt Redman, Guvna B and LZ7.

Check out the Big Church Day Out website here and make sure you get your Ealry Bird tickets now! You can also keep up to date on twitter and facebook.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

BeBe Vox Interview

Hello BeBe Vox. How are you doing? Where are you currently? 

Hiya - I'm absolutely fab thanks and I'm at the Innervation office. 

How's 2011 going thus far?

2011 is going swimmingly well! I have just come back from doing a Schools week in Nottingham where by I went into 9 different primary schools holding a mini concert in their assemblies and invited all the kids to one of my back to back concerts at The Forest City Ground put on at the end of the week! It was so successful...tons of kids turned up and we had a blast of a show! It was amazing to be able to tell them all about the gospel too!!!

If people don't know what you and your music are about, how would you describe yourself?

I'm a pop artist who sings songs written from a Christian perspective. 

Where did the name come from?

Well BeBe is a play on my initials (Beth Ellis) and Vox is the techie name for vocals (plus it's Latin for 'Voice') So we decided to put them together to make BeBe Vox... so in essence it means 'my voice' haha!

You've had a couple of singles released, which would you say was your most successful and how would you define success?

I would say that my debut single 'All This Time' was the most successful. I was a brand new artist (hardly established at all) and within a matter of a couple of months from touring round schools and churches I had managed to get my song into the top 20 in the Radio 1 dance charts. Cool eh! I think real success is achieving what God wants me to achieve, which will be even better than my own plans.  But I also believe that God listens to the desires of our hearts. 

What's your favourite track to play live?

Oh I love singing 'She Got It Bad' ... It's got loads of energy and it always rocks! 

What message do you want to give through your music?

That God loves you no matter who you are, what you've done or where you come from. 

Back to your roots, when did you give your life to God?

I became a Christian around the age of 7... I can't actually remember a defining moment but I just knew that he was my Lord (think I prayed the salvation prayer a few times ... you know just to be sure... haha) 

How did you first come to music?

I was about 19 when I realised that this was a dream God had given me and wanted me to pursue so I picked up singing lessons from that moment on.

Where do you find influences?

I guess its a combination of artists... I have always loved Kylie, Britney and Beyonce but from the Christian scene it's been Natasha Bedingfield, Nicole C Mullen, Jaci Velasquez and Rachael Lampa!

Who would you love to perform with, past or present? 

Any of the above really.... but my ultimate would be Beyonce!!!

What artists have you most loved sharing a stage with? 

Defo thebandwithnoname!!!!

What are you currently listening to on your mp3 player? 

NOW 77 

Who do you think is going to sum up the sound of 2011? 

I don't know but I love a lot of the songs in the charts at the moment... I guess Rhianna seems to be on a bit of a winning streak, Katy Perry and maybe Bruno Mars?!??!?!?! 

God's Earth is a huge place, where have you most enjoyed visiting, what cultures have you embraced?

I went to Swaziland to work in an orphanage for a month and that was fun to visit. I also worked in Spain during my gap year and sooooo wanted to look Latino when I was there!!! Tried getting the well tanned skin and dark hair!!! Just wanted to be Spanish! lol.

What's the best live performance you've played?


What do you miss the most when you're on the road touring?

I sooooo miss my own home - there is no place like home right!!! and also I'm married, so I miss not being with my man!

How has the Christian music scene developed since you've been a part of it? 

Well things seem to be changing all the time... but sadly lots of bands have come to an end... so have some festivals for that matter! :-(  However, I'm excited about the future, as there are loads of schools opportunities and there is also a huge amount of potential for downloads.

If BeBe Vox was a Jelly Bean, what colour and flavour would you be and why?

I would be pink and strawberry flavour! Coz I think I wanna be seen as sweet!!!!! haha

Some quick fire questions: 

Tea or coffee? 


Summer or winter? 


Superman or Batman? 

Superman hands down!!!

Mac or PC? 


Bread or Wine? 


Favourite passage from the Bible? 

Proverbs 3v5

How is your debut album coming together? Can you reveal a name yet? When is it due? 

It's coming - keep an eye on my website for info coming soon!!!

What should we expect from the album?

Lots of wicked tuneage! 

How does it feel being in a position where you can influence so many young people? Do you feel the pressure or does God talk easily through you and your music?

The position is such a privilege and not one I take lightly at all!!! Course I feel the pressure! Kids will watch my every move and I know that I hold a great responsibility to be the best role model i can be!!!  

How is it being part of the Innervation Trust which launched artists such as Thebandwithnoname to the world? 

Its fab! I have a great team surrounding me!!! I do miss thebandwithnoname tho!!!!

What was it like to share a stage with them knowing they have changed so many people's lives for the better? 

It was well special! I learnt so much whilst being on the road with those guys! 

What's coming up in 2011 and next on the agenda for BeBe Vox? 

Loads of Schools gigs...festivals... more singles releases and an album to come soon!!!!

And finally, how would you describe the love of God for all those people who perhaps get embarrassed about calling themselves a Christian, those who are unsure of their direction and of course those already on their journey with Christ?

Learn to quickly know who you are in Christ.... Remember the fundamentals, all that He has done for you and keep those truths close to your heart. There's no need to be embarrassed at all! You have eternal life and we need to tell all our friends and family about the good news! To those of you unsure of your direction... get praying... seek God on what He wants and ask a pastor or a youth leader to help you through it and to you lot already on the journey keep going strong (my nanna actually said this to me in her final hours before going to be with Jesus) Keep strong, keep on going in all that you're doing!!! and I shall see you at the finishing line!!! 

Thanks Bebe! 

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Crossing the Atlantic

I've just sat through the preview programme, showing all the new series and television shows that are going to be screened on the brand new Sky channel, Atlantic. There are so many new shows, showing new worlds, new characters, new imaginations of reality and belief. Boardwalk Empire portrays the arrival of the 'original' gangsters in 1920s Atlantic City, and it's not the only era explored. The contemporary, the distant past, the future, they are all there on one new channel. One of the interviewees on the programme stated that every scene is epic, maybe yes, but is it as epic as our Lord?

There is only show, The Pacific, and during it;s trailer one of the characters says that God made it all, the earth, the seven seas, even the Japs. Very true, he made each and every one of us, and even during times of war, just like the Pacific when Americans were shooting Japanese and even now when there are wars in various countries and on our streets, our doorsteps, it is so true, that God made it all, and that should not be forgotten.