I find it as hard as anybody to manage my time. I hit that snooze button until the very last minute, there's nothing more I love than sitting on the sofa on an evening and vegging out in front of the telly or wasting some time looking at things I don't need on the internet. But is that the best use of my time? What should I really be doing with those 24 hours in my day?
God has given us a limited amount of time on this earth to make a difference. Is my watching of the TV or looking at what new CDs to buy really making an impact? Probably not. But some things that I do, can indeed help others. What we all must do is describe ourselves and see if what we say actually happens in our lives. You might say that you are a family man, but do you spend enough time with your family? One thing I should do is make more time for my marriage, tell my wife that I love her more often and we should both find the time to do some bible study together.
I got up earlier the other day, as soon as the alarm went off. I showered and got ready for work, got the earlier train to work, had a productive day, which flew by. I got loads done, felt more awake and it was really beneficial. When I got home we had a nice tea, I had a relaxing bath and we even managed to find time to do some bible study!
There is no way of lengthening our day as we cannot function without a decent amount of sleep, but we can make the time we do use more effective. If we know the activities we are doing are for His grace, then we can forget what time it is, stop looking at the hands on the clock and instead, put our life into His hands.
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