Sunday, 19 February 2012

God Steps In

I just wanted to do a short but snappy blog post as I have been really quiet on here recently.

Life is so busy at the moment. We try and find time to spend together, to see family and friends, to relax and have personal time, are busy with work, take on new freelance clients, do volunteer work and generally, then the time is up and gone.

However, you know I've been trying to work on that, and we've also been looking at what church we should be going to. Sometimes you feel a little bit in limbo, a little bit like you're unsure which road to go to or which leap of faith to take. But then God steps in. He showed his face today which has confused things even more, but knowing that it was He who showed his face, and perhaps gave things a shake up, adds comfort. I hope you've had a fantastic weekend and God has shined his face on you.

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