Thursday 25 November 2010

Speaking through Shows

There are so many new television series creeping out the woodwork at the moment, and successful ones which have been running for many seasons. This got me thinking about some of the ones that'd I've watched over the years.

Take Heroes for example. Normal people with extraordinary powers, superheroes in our society. I was really into it in the beginning, the first series was amazing, mindblowing. I'm sure it captured a massive audience but then people dropped away as the commitment to the show got a little too much. You can take this formula and apply it to religion, our faith, our trust in the Lord.

When you first start believing, when you first give your life to him, it's amazing, a completely overpowering experience, but as the relationship continues, you account obstacles, life often gets in the way, people lose interest, it's perhaps pushed to one side and eventually some end up stepping away from the church and our God. With some series though, it picks up towards the end, we want to view the extra special finale, people get back into it and want to witness the ending. Again, some people come back to the Lord in their hour of need, when they are laying on their death bed, before they die.

But really, when you step away from the television drama metaphor, we should all have Jesus in our lives from our first to last breath, trusting in him, letting him lead our lives. Some of us might be Misfits, some are perhaps Lost. Other people leave it too late and end up Six Feet Under without knowing him. We may find ourselves in times feeling like Mad Men, staring at the sky asking How Do You Want Me? Chuck all those Damages out of your House! 24 hours a day we should live for him, in our Bodies, in our Bones, throughout This Life and into the next. But if you can't take all of this in, remember...... There are plenty of Heroes out there, but only one really came back from the dead. JC. He rose!

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