Monday 6 December 2010

Before the chaos

I know the chaos has pretty much already started, people wandering the streets, looking for presents for their loved ones, surfing the internet until the small hours of the morning ordering gifts, awaiting the arrival of them through the post in order to hide them, before the wrapped, giving and receiving takes place. But with all this chaos, the world loses sight of what Christmas is actually about.

It's been turned into this 'holiday' where the Christ part of Christmas is put after the mas. It has indeed been taken over by the masses, the shops all advertising in our faces, when really the thing in our faces should be Jesus. So maybe, before you start (or even continue) your Christmas shopping spending spree, take some time, think about the real meaning, the actual reason and spend some time alone with our Lord. When the wrapping paper has been binned, the batteries from the new toys have ran out and the ridiculous amount of food you've overspent on has either been eaten or passes its expiration date, what will you be left with?

1 comment:

  1. Your beautiful wife just introduced me to your blog... love it! All I can say is... Preach it brotha! Preach it!!

