Monday 20 December 2010

Hanging On

We all have situations that we want out of. Something that you no longer want to be a part of. For youngsters maybe it's a football team, school, or even getting up early on Sundays to go to church. As you grow older though it could be university courses, relationships, employment, or even getting up early on Sundays to go to church,

There is though, something amazing, we are given an opportunity for a fresh start at the end of each year, to scrub out the past and move on, put a 'spring' in our step and start things new, with resolutions a plenty and lots of fireworks to blow out the cobwebs. It's the New Year. As great as that is, what is the reason that we wait?

Why wait for a New Year? Why not embrace the decision that you find yourself in, take that situation, listen to the thought process you're having and get on with things. Is the New Year a sort of comfort blanket. Someone asks when you're going to go for that promotion at work and you say "I'll do that in the New Year" but you then move those goal posts and push it back. To a birthday, or another month, another season or perhaps even the following year. Too many of us sit in discontent waiting for things to happen, but never take that first step to actually make things happen ourselves. It's like being stuck in the eye of a storm, where it's quiet, calm and you move along with it, getting used to the situation. But what you need to do it run towards the storm, work through it, and on the other side there is something so much better! That is where you want to be, so be there, forget what people think with their watching eyes, in the end it's what you think, and what God thinks.

Take that leap, throw aside the comfort blanket of a New Year, do it now! Why wait? What is so important about that New Year? Put your faith in God and go for it now! Why does a New Year have to be your new start? Why can't your new start start now? Stop hanging on, and let go!

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