Sunday 9 January 2011


It's over a week now since we all celebrated the coming of a new year, another year on since the birth of our saviour and I'm fairly sure that a number of you have given up on your resolutions already.

That's not a criticism, merely an observation. It's difficult to give up chocolate when a week before you've been handed a mountain of selection boxes as gifts. The same goes for 'getting fit', first you've got to shift that extra few pounds that everyone seemingly puts on over the festive period. Other resolutions include quitting smoking - not an easy objective to complete at all, falling in love - surely that happens when you meet the right person to fall in love with, you don't just make this happen, and becoming more charitable, though everyone says charity starts at home. 

Perhaps, rather that these type of 'generic' resolutions, you should cast these aside and think about what God wants you to do? Maybe simply praying more would be good, however it shouldn't be a resolution because we should all pray more and it shouldn't take a New Year to kick us into action. Maybe invite a friend to church, or get involved in the church more yourself rather than just attending the services?

I think the main thing we should remember, is to not get so caught up in our daily routines and lifestyles, that you become oblivious to God. As it says in Romans,' Be up and alert to what God is doing'.

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