Tuesday 22 March 2011

25 Years...Twenty Five Years!

That is correct, next month I turn 25! Yes it's not a massive milestone like the 21st or 30th, but it's a quarter of a century people! This got me wondering, how many of those years have actually been given to Christ?

The answer to that is probably - not enough! I gave my life to Christ about three years ago after going to an Alpha course. That really did change my life. I always thought that there was something bigger than this, more than this world, but I never knew what, and to be honest, wasn't that bothered about finding out about it! But going to the Alpha course, exploring the wonder of the Bible, hearing testimonies, praying, things started to make sense! During that time, my now wife Amy slipped a CD under my nose. It was Casting Crown's self titled album and the track 'Who Am I' really spoke to me (listen to the track here). It made me ask questions about myself, and after a couple of personal tragedies I realised that there is a Lord. God is good!

I would never have thought that I would have given my life to him. I always thought I would just plod along in my own life and be happy. But I am so much more now I have him in my life. Now sometimes there are things happening in our lives that make us question his existence - I know that, you know that. Things that happen in our lives, in this world, often overtake our beliefs, we question where we are meant to be, we wonder why people lose loved ones. I'm going to explore these things and other questions over the next few months as I am no expert in the slightest. I'm on my journey just like the rest of the world.

So strap yourself in and welcome to a blog ride of a lifetime. Keep checking back throughout the coming weeks and if you have any questions or topics you think I should explore drop a message underneath this post and i'll get on it! Have a fantastic Tuesday!

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