Sunday 27 March 2011

Beautiful People

We were watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition again the other day. Not really sure why we do it to ourselves as we always end up emotional wrecks with tears streaming down our faces because of the people's stories. Yes they get a new house built for them, but it is so much more than just a house.

The foundations are built with hope, the walls, brick by brick, built with passion, the roof with humility, the windows installed with emotion, paint brushed on with adoration and the final interiors placed in with love. It is the coming together of people, to give back to those in perhaps a worse situation, those who have lost, those who are grieving and will continue to miss loved ones, but from a now better situation, a better surrounding, a better and quite often safer home. We all lose those we love, it's the nature of life, people are born, they live, and they pass on. But if the coming together of people, to create a fresh start, a happy home and ease any pain is possible, it sure is achieved! There are beautiful people on this planet!

The episode we watched was about a family of seven who had the fire service at the centre of their hearts. They organised fundraisers for the brigade in their town but one day whilst they were at one of these fundraisers, the fire fighters were called to an incident, a fire at the home of this family. They lost everything and ended up homeless. The father managed to get them into a trailer park where he, his wife and their five children lived in a caravan and a few tents. They had little possessions. After a year or so he organised somewhere we they could rent, to get them back into a more normal home life and take that next step of rebuilding their lives.

The trailer park they were at was close to the beach and the children loved playing on the sands and swimming in the sea. He decided to take a couple of them down to the waters one last time a couple of days before they were due to move. With his younger daughter on his shoulders he ended up too far out in the water, and drowned. His eldest son tried to save him and tragically didn't resurface. The young girl blamed herself and another brother on the shoreline could do nothing but watch.

Their new life was shattered.

The Home Edition team built them a lovely house with reminders of what the father and eldest son were like, which was fantastic. It got me thinking, what would you do to save someone you truly love. Would you die for them, would you die with them? I think it's an unknown, you could say anything but in that situation instinct takes over. I cried my eyes out at the finale of Lost where Sun & Jin pass into the next life together...

I know I would do everything in my power to save the people I love, my wife, my family, my friends. I know where I am going after this world, I know where my wife is going. I will be with her forever and I know there would be people around who would look after her if I wasn't around. The TV show is great, it helps rebuild lives, it tells stories to the whole world, but the Bible tells the most awesome story. However tragic an event, however many people lose their lives, if they trust in the Lord, if they give their life to him then they will have eternal life. We all have that opportunity, just as we have the opportunity to help other people in perhaps not as extreme cases as the two mentioned above, but in situations non the less. We are all beautiful, inside and out, and we have the ability to assist and aid others. I hope you know where you are going after this world, and let's all use the time we have on this planet to make a difference, bring people their smiles back, and ultimately, be beautiful!

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